解读电视 苗棣自选集【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 苗棣著 著
- 出版社: 北京:北京广播学院出版社
- ISBN:7810853821
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:239页
- 文件大小:13MB
- 文件页数:257页
- 主题词:电视文化-中国-文集
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自序 Preface1
电视理论探索 Part One:Study on Theories of the Television2
题解 Explanatory Notes on the Title ofthis Part2
即时传真:电视艺术的本质特征 Instant Communication of Reality—Essential Characteristic of the Art ofTelevision2
日常行为与当代审美 Everyday Behavior and Aesthetics of the Contemporary Era21
媚俗:电视的不解之缘? Kitsch:The Fate of Television?34
工业化生产与电视剧艺术 Industrialized Production and the Art of TV Dramas48
网台分离——中国电视改革的一种新思路 Separating TV Network and TV Stations—a New Innovation for TV Refnrrm in China60
题解 Explanatory Notes on the Title of this Part72
日间肥皂剧——一个美国式的奇迹 Daytime Soap Operas—a Miracle Made in the U.S.A.72
电视类型研究 Part Two:Study on Genres of TV Programs72
从《我爱露茜》到《辛菲尔德》——美国电视情境喜剧的发展进程 From I Love Lucy to Seinfeld—the Development of American TV Sitcoms95
美国电视电影的发展与现状 Status Quo and Development of American TV Movies110
无法实现的突破——电视晚会的尴尬与对策 An Impossible Breakthrough—The Dilemma of TV Gala Shows120
谈综艺游戏节目 On Variety-Game Shows126
话语的力量——美国电视的夜间谈话与日间谈话节目 The Power of Talk—Television Talk Shows in the U.S.A.130
从《谭盾来了》看电视谈话节目中的辩论类型 Genre of Television Talk Back—Case Study: Tan Dun has Come145
电视文化丛谈 Part Three:Essays on Television Culture152
题解 Explanatory Notes on the Title of this Part152
曲高和寡的道路 Too Highbrow to be Popular152
电视为什么喜欢跟风 Why Television Programs Like Cloning155
以自由的名义vs.以正义的名义 In the Name of Justice V.S.In the Name of Freedom158
镜头逼近庙堂 Cameras Approaching Temples:When TV Meets Politicians163
爱国主义新闻 News Colored by Patriotism166
益智游戏? Quiz Show?169
电视“魔盒” Television,the Magic Box172
狭播时代 The Era of Narrowcasting175
“温柔”一刀 Katie Couric:NBC s Anchorwoman with Sharp Eloquence and Shining Look178
改版冲动 The Impulse to Reformat TV Programs181
另一种镣铐 Another Kind of Fetters and Handcuffs184
架子放不下来 Unable to Get Down High Horse187
5000万年薪属谁 Who Deserves the 50-million Annual Salaries190
歪批足球 Entertaining Criticism on Chinese Foothall192
电视——如何互动? How do Television Programs Interact with Their Audience194
劳驾,让我把比赛看完 Please Let Me Finish Watching the Game197
真实的游戏 Survival :True Game200
新闻明星走在钢丝上 Anchor Stars in News Programs:Good or Evil203
真直播,假直播 True Live Broadcasting V.S.Fake Live Broadcasting206
奥帕拉·温弗丽的魅力 Glamour of Oprah Winfrey209
“十亿”骗局 A Fraud with One Billion U.S.Dollars212
战争秀 The Show of War215
新闻频道 News Channel218
谁为节目付钱? Who Pay Television Programs221
电视评奖的尴尬 The Embarrassment of TV Awards224
新闻是你的封面 News Program:the Cover of TV Stations227
审美疲劳与众口难调 Fatigue of Aesthetics and Difficulty of Catering to All Taste230
屁股与笑脸 Buttock and Smiling Face233
新闻评论,击中了我们的软肋 News Comment:Our Weak Point236
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