
高级护理英语教程 写作分册 Writing section【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

高级护理英语教程 写作分册 Writing section
  • 袁长蓉编著 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海科学技术出版社
  • ISBN:7532380130
  • 出版时间:2005
  • 标注页数:116页
  • 文件大小:12MB
  • 文件页数:132页
  • 主题词:护理学-英语-写作-教材


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Unit 1 总论(General Introduction)1

1.护理科研的分类(Classification of nursing research)1

1.1 按研究场地分类(Study settings)1

1.2 按研究方法分类(Study methods)1


2.1 科研立题(Stating a research problem)2

2.3 实施实验(调查)(Conducting experiment and survey)2

2.2 课题设计(Selecting the research design)2

2.护理科研的程序(Steps in the nursing research process)2

1.3 按科研成果产出形式分类(Study results)2

2.4 资料整理与分析(Collecting and analyzing the data)3

2.5 概括总结(Summary and conclusion)3

3.护理科研论文的发表(Publication of nursing research papers)4

3.1 选择合适期刊(Selecting the right journal)4

3.2 明确论文类型(Picking a manuscript format)4

3.3 标题页(Title page)4

3.5 审稿(Reviewing)5

3.4 附信(Covering letter)5

4.护理科研论文的格式(Standard format of nursing research papers)6

5.护理科研论文的要求(Requirements of nursing research papers)6

5.1 伦理性(Ethicality)7

5.2 创新性(Innovation)7

5.3 实用性(Practicability)7

5.4 可读性(Readability)7


Unit 2 标题(Titie)19

1.标题的写作内容(Content of title)19

2.标题的写作要求(Basic requirments of title)19

2.1 简明扼要(Short and concise)19

2.2 信息丰富(Informative)19

2.3 便于索引(Easy for indexing)19

3.标题写作示范(Examples of title)20

4.标题写作常见问题分析与注意事项(Mistake analysis)20

4.1 冗长烦琐(Lengthiness)20

4.3 句型误用(Misusage of sentence patterns)21

4.2 缩略语误用(Misusage of abbreviations)21

5.副标题的正确使用(Correct useage of subtitle)22

5.1 突出病例数时(When focusing on the number of cases)22

5.2 强调研究性质/方法时(When focusing on research characteristics/methods)22

5.5 提出疑问或选择时(When focusing on question and choice)23

5.6 说明研究时间时(When focusing on research time)23


5.4 表示解释及并列关系时(When focusing on explanation and parataxis relationship)23

5.3 突出重点内容时(When focusing on key content)23

Unit 3 署名和关键词(Signature and Key Words)26


1.1 单位署名(Unit signature)26

1.2 作者署名(Author signature)26

1.3 署名的写作格式(Writing format of signature)27

2.关键词(Key words)28

2.1 关键词的选择标准和数量(Criteria and number)28

2.2 关键词的规范化(Standardization of key words)28

3.1 常见学位名称及相关词汇(Degree titles and related words)29

3.英语护理科研论文常用词汇(Common words)29

3.2 常用医疗护理词汇(Medical and nursing words)30

3.3 常见学科名称及相关词汇(Principle titles and related words)31


Unit 4 摘要(Abstract)35



3.摘要的基本要素(Primary elements)36

4.1 指示性或描述性摘要(Indicative abstract)37

4.摘要的分类和格式(Classification and format)37

4.2 报道性或资料性摘要(Informative abstract)38

5.摘要的写作要求(Basic writing requirements)43

5.1 表达规范(Standard expression)43

5.2 主题突出(Conspicuous subject)43

5.3 简短精练(Brevity and conciseness)44

5.4 具体明确(Clarity and concreteness)44

6.摘要写作中的常见句型(Common sentence patterns)44

6.1 与论文内容有关的常用句型(Content-related sentence patterns)44

6.2 与目的有关的常用句型(Purpose-related sentence patterns)45

6.4 与结果有关的常用句型(Results-related sentence patterns)46

6.3 与方法有关的常用句型(Methods-related sentence patterns)46

6.5 与结论有关的常用句型(Conclusions-related sentence patterns)48


Unit 5 前言(Introduction)53

1.前言的定义与作用(Definition and function)53

2.前言的写作要求(Writing requirements)54

3.2 背景+目的(Background and purpose)55

3.3 背景+目的+研究内容(Background,purpose and content)55

3.1 单表目的(Purpose only)55

3.前言的写作内容(Writing content)55

4.前言写作中的常见句型(Common sentence patterns)56

4.1 有关背景资料介绍的常用句型(Background-related sentence patterns)56

4.2 有关阐述本研究重要性的常用句型(Research importance-related sentence patterns)57

4.3 有关提出目前尚未解决之问题的常用句型(Unsolved problem-related sentence patterns)57


1.1 材料(Materials)61

Unit 6 材料与方法(Materials and Methods)61

1.材料与方法的写作内容(Writing content)61

1.2 方法(Methods)62

2.材料与方法的写作要求(Writing requirements)63

2.1 选择护理材料与护理方法(Choose nursing materials and nursing methods)64

2.2 选择具体材料和创新方法(Choose precise materials and innovational methods)64

2.3 材料与方法相对应(Materials should correspond with methods)64

3.材料与方法写作中的常见句型(Common sentence patterns)67

3.1 有关研究对象选择与来源的常见句型(Selection and source-related sentence patterns)67

3.2 有关研究对象年龄与性别的常见句型(Age and gender-related sentence patterns)68

3.3 有关研究对象分组情况的常见句型(Grouping-related sentence patterns)70

3.4 有关时间点、段的表达方式(Time spot and segment-related sentence patterns)71


Unit 7 结果(Results)74

1.结果的写作内容(Writing content)74

3.1 文字叙述(Describing with language)78

3.2 表格说明(Describing with tables)78



3.3 绘图说明(Describing with figures)79


5.结果的写作要求(Writing requirements)79

5.1 用数据说明结果(Illustration with statistics)79

5.2 归纳最终结果(Delivery of final results)80

5.3 保证真实准确(Truthfulness and precision)80

6.结果写作中的常见句型(Common sentence patterns)81

7.结果的统计学意义(Statistic significance)83


Unit 8 讨论(Discussion)86

1.讨论的写作内容(Writing content)86

2.讨论的写作要求(Writing requirements)86

2.1 主题集中(Concentrated subject)87

2.2 重点突出(Conspicuous points)87

2.3 充分利用结果(Full use of results)87

3.讨论写作中的常见句型(Common sentences patterns)89


Unit 9 结论(Conclusion)93

1.结论的写作内容(Writing content)93

2.结论的写作要求(Writing requirements)93

3.结论写作中的常见问题和注意事项(Points for attention)94

3.1 论点准确成熟(Precise and mature opinion)94

3.2 概括完整简洁(Comprehensive and concise summary)95

3.3 引申客观恰当(Impersonal and appropriate extension)95

4.结论写作的常用句型(Common sentence patterns)95

5.易混淆的几组常用词(Common words)96


Unit 10 致谢和参考文献(Acknowledgement and References)102


1.1 致谢的写作要求(Writing requirements)102

1.2 致谢写作的常见问题和注意事项(Points for attention)103


2.1 参考文献的写作要求(Writing requirements)103

2.2 参考文献写作的常见问题和注意事项(Points for attention)105


附录 练习题答案(Keys)108
