人间天堂杭州 中英文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 顾树森主编;李建国,王玉明,汪小玫,楼贤俊副主编 著
- 出版社: 杭州:浙江人民出版社
- ISBN:7213023039
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:368页
- 文件大小:138MB
- 文件页数:382页
- 主题词:
人间天堂杭州 中英文本PDF格式电子书版下载
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钱塘风云 Great Historic Changes on the Land of Qiantang1
湖山胜景 Splendors of the Landscape15
塔影绰约——杭州诸塔 Tall and Erect Pagodas Casting Illusory Shadows on the Lake and beyond16
山色空濛——杭州名山 "Misty Mountains Lend Excitement to the Rain"——Famous Hills and Mountains in Hangzhou24
堤横岛隐——杭州的堤、岛 Embankments Stretching Straight with Isles Blurred in a Mist——an Idyllic Setting of the West Lake36
长虹卧波——西湖古桥 Rainbow-Like Old Bridges over the Rippling Water of the West Lake44
泉音泠泠——杭州的泉、溪 Springs and Brooks Gurgling Merrily in the Nearby Hills50
亭亭玉立——西湖诸亭 Myriad Pavilions Standing with Grace round the West Lake58
缤纷花容——杭州四时花事 Bustling Flower Show in Flower-Blooming Seasons in Hangzhou65
灵石古洞——杭州的石、洞 Exploring Ancient Caves and Mysterious Rocks in Hangzhou74
袖中山水——杭州古园林 Quaint Hangzhou Gardens and Parks——Landscape in Miniature83
襟江带湖——杭州的江、湖 Wide Rivers Accompanying Tranquil Lakes round the City89
古城遗韵 Vestiges and Remains of the Ancient City97
故都遗痕——南宋皇城遗址 Traces of the Onetime Capital——Ruins of Imperial Capital of Southern Song Dynasty98
古城寻踪——杭州的城池街坊 Vestiges of the City Walls,Moat and Alleyways of Ancient Hangzhou104
源远流长——杭州的河、桥、井 Rivers,Bridges and Wells in the City from Time Immemorial116
都会风情——杭州的老店 Aura of the Old Stores of the Ancient Metropolis124
依山傍水——西湖园墅 Waterfront and Hillside Gardens and Villas of the West Lake132
流连忘返——杭州的明清建筑 Lost in the Magnificence of the Ming-and Qing-Style Architecture in Hangzhou139
古风宛在——杭州的古镇 Old Customs and Practice in Old Towns Passed down from Ancient Times146
人文之窗 Windows of the Cultural Legacy of the Forerunners on the Land of Qiantang155
城市的文化明珠——浙江省博物馆 Gems of City Civilization——Zhejiang Provincial Museum156
自然之友——浙江自然博物馆 A Return to Nature——Zhejiang Provincial Museum of Nature162
古玉之美——良渚文化博物馆 Glamorous Antique Jade Ware——Museum of Liangzhu Culture166
丝绸之乡——中国丝绸博物馆 Home of Silk——China Silk Museum171
织锦传奇——都锦生织锦博物馆 Much-told Tale of Du Jinsheng-Museum of Du Jinsheng Brocade175
剪刀世界——张小泉剪刀博物馆 World of Scissors—Museum of Zhang Xiaoquan Scissors180
国药遗韵——胡庆余堂中药博物馆 Well-Established Huqingyutang Pharmacy——Museum of Huqingyutang Traditional Chinese Medicine184
瑞草之国——中国茶叶博物馆 Kingdom of the Auspicious Plant——China Tea Museum188
青瓷之美——南宋官窑博物馆 Appeal of Celadon——Museum of Official Kilns of the Southern Song Dynasty192
风情款款——王星记扇子博物馆 Sentimental World of Fans——Museum of Wangxingji Fans196
皇家藏书楼——文澜阁 Secluded Royal Library——Chamber of Literary Prosperity201
印传西泠——中国印学博物馆 Blossom of Sphragistics at Xiling Seal Engravers’Society——China Sphragistics Museum206
弦诵不辍——杭州古书院 Beginning New Chapters——Old Academies of Classical Learning in Hangzhou212
石版文章——杭州碑林 Appreciating Ancient Inscriptions at Hangzhou Forest of Stone Tablets217
晨钟暮鼓 Morning Bells and Evening Drums223
云林漠漠——灵隐寺溯源 A Place away from the Busy World——Origin of Lingyin Temple224
钟声悠悠——净慈寺话古 Lingering Bell in the Hill and Valley——Meditating on the Past of Jingci Temple237
佛国净土——天竺三寺 Buddhist Pure Land——Three Tianzhu Temples245
茶禅一味——径山寺忆旧 Indissoluble Bond between Tea Ceremony and Zen——Making Nostalgic Tours of Jingshan Temple256
千姿百态——杭州石窟艺术纵横 Magnificent Spectacle of Hangzhou Grotto Arts262
洞天福地——杭州道院一览 Taoist Paradise——General Survey of Taoist Temples in Hangzhou272
异域风情——凤凰寺概貌 Exotic Atmosphere——Phoenix Mosque at a Glance283
天国福音——杭州的基督教堂 Gospel Hymns from Heaven——Christian Churches in Hangzhou287
东南佛国——杭州古寺拾遗 Buddhist Land of the Southeast——Other Temples in Hangzhou291
名人寻踪 Footprints of the Distinguished Personages299
青山有幸——岳坟 Glory of the Green Hill——Tomb of Yue Fei300
勾画“天堂”——历代杭州贤太守 Picturing the City of "Heaven on Earth"——Virtuous Local Officials in Hangzhou through the Ages306
保境安民——钱氏吴越国遗迹 Safe and Peaceful Land——Ruins of Wuyue Kingdom of King Qian318
碧血丹心——历代志士仁人 Loyal Heart Shining in History——People with Lofty Ideas through the Ages324
智慧之光——历代科技名家 Radiant Splendor of Minds——Noted Scientific/Technical Specialists through the Ages333
钟灵毓秀——历代文化名人(上) Favorable Ambience Nurturing Talent——Celebrated Intellectuals through the Ages(Part One)340
钟灵毓秀——历代文化名人(下) Favorable Ambience Nurturing Talent ——Celebrated Intellectuals through theAges(Part Two)353
杭州市文物保护单位名单 List of Cultural Relics under National,Provincial or Municipal Protection in the City of Hangzhou365
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