北京生活侧影 京华往事【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (英)燕瑞博著 著
- 出版社: 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- ISBN:9787560078441
- 出版时间:2008
- 标注页数:175页
- 文件大小:23MB
- 文件页数:194页
- 主题词:社会生活-史料-北京市-英文
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Introduction—By Hardy Jowett1
Note on Romanization6
Chapter Ⅰ A City of Pleasure7
Chapter Ⅱ The Hutng and Its Inhabitants21
Chapter Ⅲ Street Vendors26
Chapter Ⅳ Flower Streets and Willow Lanes52
Chapter Ⅴ Pawnshops,Middlemen and Money Lenders65
Money Lenders71
Chapter Ⅵ Feasts and Restaurants73
Chapter Ⅶ Actors and the Theatre 81
Chapter Ⅷ Various Professions107
Chapter Ⅸ Gates,Street Names and Various Places of Interest124
Street Names126
Certain Places of Interest135
Chapter Ⅹ Politicians,Some Office Holders and Certain Educationalists138
Chapter Ⅺ Red Ceremonials,Marriages,Births and Birthdays146
Chapter Ⅻ Tales of the Spirit World161
Water Ghosts166
Wall Building Ghosts167
Hanging Ghosts168
Barber Ghosts168
Idol Ghosts168
Ghosts Connected with Sickness and Death169
Devil Possession169
T'ou Sheng Kuei169
Kuei Ch'ai,or"Harbingers of Death"170
Spirit Foxes and Other Strange Phenomena170
Precautions against Evil Influences172
Ghost Festivals173
Ⅰ.The Chinese City form Just Outside the Ch'ien Men14
Ⅱ.General Clad in Gorgeous Raiment15
Ⅲ.The Chief Treasure in the T'uan Cheng—the Kuan Yin with the Mona Lisa Smile16
Ⅳ.The"Mona Lisa"Kuan Yin&Photo by Mr.Yung Kwang17
Ⅴ.Cucumbers Arriving from the County&Photo by Lemunyon32
Mohammedans Retailing Cakes Fried in Oil&Photo by J.Zumbrum32
Ⅵ.COBBLER&Photo by J.Zumbrum33
SELLER OF HUN TUN(dumplings boiled in soup)&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.33
Ⅶ.She Offers Face Powder & Matches in Exchange for Paper & Waste Materals&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.34
Blind Musician&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.34
Ⅷ."Smoked Fish"&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.35
A Persimmon Stall&Photo by J.Zumbrum35
Ⅸ.Bring in Charcoal&Photo by Lemunyon36
Selling Persimmons by Weight&Photo by lemunyon36
Fruit & Syrup Vendor Clanging His Two Brass Cups&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.36
Ⅹ.Crockery Mender with His Swinging Gong&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.37
Knife Grinder with His Iron Plates&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.37
Ⅺ.Cloth Seller Holding His Hand Drum&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.38
Fan Seller with His Jingle of Bells&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.38
Ⅻ.Toy Paper-Lanterns&Photo by Lemunyon39
The Price to be Paid Depends upon the Number on the Wooden Slip which the Customer Draws out of the Bamboo Holder&Photo by J.Zumbrum39
ⅩⅢ.A Barber&Photo by J.Zumbrum47
A Blind Musician&Photo by J.Zumbrum47
ⅩⅣ.Sweetmeats&Photo by J.Zumbrum48
A Seller of Nails & Boot Protectors&Photo by J.Zumbrum48
ⅩⅤ.Cakes Fried in Oil&Photo by J.Zumbrum49
Small Vegetable Marrows&Photo by J.Zumbrum49
ⅩⅥ.House in Red Light District&Photo by J.Zumbrum58
House in Red Light District&Photo by J.Zumbrum58
ⅩⅦ.Various Types of"Ladies"59
ⅩⅧ.A Group of"Ladies of the Second Class"60
ⅩⅨ.Various Types of"Ladies"61
ⅩⅩ.An Old Fashioned Pawnshop with Its Prison Like Appearance&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.69
A New Style Pawnshop&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.69
ⅩⅪ.The Hui Hsien Tang Restaurant where in the Summer the Diners Can Gaze out upon the Lotus Flowers&Photo by Mr.Yung Kwang77
The Famous"Duck Restaurant,""The Pien I Fang"&Photo by Mr.Chen Chen77
ⅩⅫ.Pupils of the Fu Lien Cheng School of Acting&Photos by H.C.Faxon,Esq.85
ⅩⅩⅢ.Pupils of the Fu Lien Cheng School of Acting&Photos by H.C.Faxon,Esq.86
ⅩⅩⅣ.Pupils of the Fu Lien Cheng School of Acting&Photos by H.C.Faxon,Esq.87
Theatrical Announcements at Entrance to Theatre&Photo by J.Zumbrum87
ⅩⅩⅤ.Mei Lan Fang&Photo by J.Zumbrum88
An Actor Taken in the Courtyard just before Going on the Stage&Photo by J.Zumbrum88
ⅩⅩⅥ.Mei Lan Fang in One of His Newly Written Plays,"Loa Shen"or"The Descent of the Goddess"&Photo by J.Zumbrum89
ⅩⅩⅦ.Altar in Dressing Room of Temporary Theatre&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.90
Actors Practising Their Voices&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.90
ⅩⅩⅧ.Chen Yen Ch'iu,the Pupil of Mei Lan Fang91
ⅩⅩⅨ.Chen Yen Ch'iu92
ⅩⅩⅩ.Two Stage Favouristes—Hsiao Cheng Ling and Her Sister Hsiao Yu Ling93
En Pei Hsien in the Play"Feng Yang Hwa Ku"—"The Flower Drum of Feng Yang."93
ⅩⅩⅪ.Pi Yun Hsia,A Well Known Actress94
Ching Hsueh Fang,A Great Favourite with Peking Audiences94
ⅩⅩⅫ.Two Portraits of Ching Hsuen Fang in"T'ien Nu San Hwa,"or"The Heavenly Maid Scatters Flowers."95
ⅩⅩⅩⅢ.Shih San Tan"Lady No.13",A Favourite Stage Name Adopted by Actresses and those who Take Female Parts99
Another Picture of Pi Yung Hsia in"Pa Wang Yueh Chi."99
ⅩⅩⅩⅣ.Pi Yun Hsia in the Play"Pa Wang Pieh Chi,"or"Pa Wang Bids Farewell to Yueh Chi on Leaving for the War."100
ⅩⅩⅩⅤ.A Maker of Seals Outside the Ch'ien Men Post Office&Photo by J.Zumbrurn111
Shielding the Bird from the Sunlight&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.111
ⅩⅩⅩⅥ.Bird Trainer&Photos by J.Zumbrum112
ⅩⅩⅩⅦ.Crickets for Sale&Photo by J.Zumbrum113
Form the Pole Hangs the Sign of A Midwife&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.113
ⅩⅩⅩⅧ.A Travelling Gramophone Entertainer&Photo by Lemunyon114
A Gramophone Entertainer&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.114
Official Servants in the Time of the Emperor&Photo by Lemunyon114
ⅩⅩⅩⅨ.In spite of the Introduction of Waterworks,the Water Sellers still Do A Considerable Business115
ⅩL.The Hatamen,the Only Gate with a Straight Through Passage130
The Stone Turtle outside the Hatamen which Cannot Leave Its Post until It Hears the Beating of a Gong,Signifying the Closing of the Gate.&Photo by Mr.Chen Chen130
ⅩLⅠ.The Thieves Market outside the Hatamen&Photo by Mr.Chen Chen131
The Door of the Ch'ien Men through which Only Emperors Were Allowed to Pass&Photo by J.Zumbrum131
ⅩLⅡ.Celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival on the Erh Cha where the Waters Meet just outside Peking&Photo by J.Zumbrum132
Legation Street now Given over to Strangers from across the Seas&Photo by J.Zumbrum132
ⅩLⅢ.The Fragrant Concubine&Photo by Mr.Yung Kwang133
ⅩLⅣ.The Hsi Hwa Gate Built near the Former Site of the Demolished Wang Chia Lou,the Tower from which the Fragrant Concubine Looked at Her Relatives Assembled in the Hui Tzi Ying.134
ⅩLⅤ.The Mecca of the Modern Politician in China141
ⅩLⅥ.Manchu Bride&Photo by J.Zumbrum153
The Bride Going on Her First Visit to Her Parents&Photo by J.Zumbrum153
ⅩLⅦ.Bridal Chairs&Photo by Mr.Chen Chen154
Bridal Chairs&Photo by Lemunyon154
ⅩLⅧ.The Mirror over the Doorway Is Supposed to Reflect back the Evil Influence that Emanates from the Coffin Shop on the Other Side of the Road&Photo by H.C.Faxon,Esq.163
God in Cheng Hwang Temple in which A Mischievous Spirit Dwelt&Photo by J.Zumbrum163
ⅩLⅨ.Two Views of the Hao Nien Tang Medicine Shop,where A Headless Man once Appeared&Photo by Mr.Chen Chen164
L.The Tower of the Ch'i Hwa Men where at One Time A Spirt Fox,Disguised as An Old Man,Used to Dwell.165
Haunted House in Front Cart Hutung&Photo by Mr.Chen Chen165
The Map of Peking175
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